Epistorm is an innovation center of InsightNet, the national network for outbreak and disease modeling established by the CDC’s Center for Forecasting & Outbreak Analytics (CFA) in 2023. As a consortium of research institutions, healthcare systems and private companies we develop innovative methodologies to integrate high-resolution mobility, airline travel, genomic and wastewater surveillance data—with mechanistic, statistical, and deep learning forecasting models to increase the accuracy of predictive analytics to help the U.S. make more informed decisions during future outbreaks of infectious diseases.
• Northeastern University
• Boston Public Health Commission
• Boston University
• Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
• Ginkgo Biosecurity
• Indiana University
• Los Alamos National Laboratory
• MaineHealth
• University of California San Diego
• University of Florida
• University of Virginia
• New Hampshire DHHS
• Maine DHHS
• Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
Increased availability of advanced epidemic modeling and predictive analytics with multimodal data integration
by creating advanced tools for the interpretation of data pertinent to potential health threats and their management
supporting implementation of strategic plans while accounting for health inequity issues
by establishing an immersive educational strategy with real-world experience such as collabathons in public health responses and analytics projects, while fostering pathways for their career advancement within public health systems via our student experiential learning model (co-op experiential program).